Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh what a weekend

This past weekend was good times, indeed. Kaitlin came up Friday night to hang out for the weekend. We went over to Woody's for Micky and the Motorcars, it was WAY crowded. We stayed until about 1 am and decided to head home. Saw Nikki and Melanie there, had a few drinks and may or may not have had a I love those things. I so looked forward to Saturday morning when I could sleep and lay in bed as long as I wanted to...until I found out I would be getting served by a process server and didn't want them to know where I live so I had to get up and be in the Albertson's parking lot at 10 am, yay! I did find a donut shop very close to my house that is oh so! So, we had donuts for breakfast after I got served. Which means, I'll be in a deposition Friday morning, yay! *eye roll*

Kaitlin and I are a little crafty and like to make cards and stamp stuff. My Stampin' Up demonstrator was holding a punch class, making cards with different shaped punches. She and I went up to The Colony for the class to make these cards:

(I'm not very good at taking pics of cards, I can't seem to get it to focus, oh well.)

It was fun seeing how one punch could make something so different. I think I'll be buying more punches.
We went to see Whitney after the class because she lives so close...the baby room is looking so cute and I can't wait to meet her little girl, I just hope she has a name by the time she's born!
It's 5 pm and we haven't eaten since 10 am, we're starving and head to Roadhouse, yummy! I love that place. Then we head back to my house to relax and craft, Kaitlin finishes a card and I don't finish much of anything, good job, Shelly. We're tired and hit the hay...then I get a text from Sarah *d* around 1 am...30 minutes later, she, Aaron, and Kevin are headed to my house, did I mention I was laying in bed? I rush around cleaning up and changing out of pjs, and wake up Kaitlin because I'm sure she'd prefer me to wake her up rather than Aaron or Kevin, because God only knows what would be in her face to wake her up with those two! We stay up drinking until around 530 and Sarah and I actually get to go to sleep around 630...from not good times, ugh!
Sarah met us at Joe T Garcias around 5pm to begin our day, we got an early start. ;) Kaitlin had never been and it was the perfect day for margaritas on the patio. They're food is okay, but the atmosphere combined with strong margaritas really make that place. Aaron drove us around downtown before that to show some sights, I was pointing out things that were hit by "The Tornado" and then I had to tell about the tornado, I forget it's only common knowledge to those of us that lived here 9 years ago, 9 YEARS AGO? That was my senior year in high school, wow, 9 years ago...I'm getting old. Anyway, enough of my self pity, next time I'm taking her to Dallas to see Victory Park, the grassy knoll, and maybe the book depository, which I've never even seen...oh and Adairs, how could I forget Adairs?! So, we saw Woody's, downtown, the Stockyards (Northside,) Joe T Garcias, and the White Elephant. It was a fun weekend but had to end...I left Aaron and Sarah at the White Elephant while I took Kaitlin back to my house so she could make it home before she fell asleep! I, too, was quite tired, but still went back to the WE and drank some more. Good times with those fools...good weekend, can't wait to do it all again!