Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Jalapeno Experience

I typed this up yesterday, but our internet was down and I couldn't post it:

Since Sunday was Superbowl Sunday, a friend of mine was having a party and asked everyone to bring something to eat. I decided I would make those super yummy jalapeno things, they’re jalapenos cut in half, stuffed with cream cheese, and wrapped in bacon. I’ve had them several times and love them so I thought I would make them for the party. I have never made anything with jalapenos before and definitely nothing with whole jalapenos. Yesterday afternoon I embark on this cooking adventure, no worries in mind. I cut the stem of the peppers, cut them in half, and then take the middle, called the “membrane”, out of them. I do this with bare hands, and don’t think twice about it. After I’m done with all of the peppers the smell has given me a runny nose, so I go to blow it, but didn’t wash my hands first. A couple of minutes later, my nose starts to tingle a little and then starts to feel on fire. OMG OMG OMG there’s jalapeno juice in my nose! I run to wash my hands so I don’t get this juice anywhere else…I was smart here and decide to scrub under my finger nails so I’m not spreading it anywhere else I don’t want this jalapeno juice to be. Now that spreading it around anywhere else is taken care of, I have to figure out how I’m going to put a stop to this inferno that is burning in my nose. I try washing my nose out with Dawn soap, doesn’t do anything. I try my face soap, doesn’t do anything, my nose is still flaming. I go so far as to put lotion all over my fingers and stick them in my nose. Does not stop the fire. I was minutes away from putting milk in my nose because it hurt so bad. It seemed that everything I did only made the fire worse, so I decide to leave it alone for a bit…thank God, the flames finally cool down and I can breath through my nose without feeling as if I’m breathing fire through there. After the fire stops in my nose, I realize the jalapeno juice has burned all the fingers on my left hand, I even have the beginnings of a blister on my middle finger. Today, a whole day later, my hand still burns. Should I ever make the terribly stupid decision to do anything with jalapenos, again, I will wear gloves.

Now, this may sound like a funny forwarded story of someone doing something stupid, but no….it is not, it was me, yesterday, that was in hell….hope you get a little laugh out of it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My weekend

I thought it was going to be a slow weekend, but it seems like I ran around all weekend long.

It started with an engagement party/happy hour Friday night at Central 214 inside Hotel Palomar. It was great to see all the girls I haven't seen since before Christmas. I really need to do dinner more often with Jamie, I don't like seeing her just once every couple of months! This party was for Kristin and Adam, such a happy couple! I took a gift to the party, but I didn't have a card, I searched everywhere. And, if you don't know this about me, it's a rare occasion that I don't have a card for something. The only congratulations card I had said something like, "I hope you're showered with success" on the inside, not really fitting for an engagement party happy hour. A card that I did have that was fitting was a birthday card. It said, "Your birthday? I'll drink to that. Your good looks? I'll drink to that." And so on until it's falling over scribbly from all the drinks. On the inside, it said, "Whose birthday is it?" So, I marked out birthday on the front and inside and wrote engagement. She loved it. In case you're ever wanting to go to Central 214 inside Hotel Palomar, takes lots of $$, they're drinks are quite expensive. I had two drinks and my tab was $24....woh! Cori, Heather, and I left around 930 to hit up Blue Fish for some sushi...mmmm..Ahi Tower!

I met Whitney for lunch at Red, Hot, and Blue on Saturday for lunch....yum, I love their food and it's been a couple of weeks since I've seen Whitney. Her belly is getting cuter every day. After lunch, it was time for Amy's bridal stuff all weekend! It was a nice shower with great gifts for the happy couple. Cori and I went to see New In Town after the shower, it was cute, I liked it, except for the Minnesota accents, they were annoying. Oh, we did this after our attempt to take her rather heavy tv upstairs. Even with a dolly (is that how those rolly things are spelled?) we only made it one step, that sucker was HEAVY! And, we're not wimps, by any means.

I tried baking a rum cake for the Superbowl party Saturday night, yes, I know how lame it sounds to be baking on a Saturday night, but I enjoy it so I don't care. Well, my oven sucks. I took the cake out 15 minutes before the recipe called for it...the cake was BLACK. The inside was just right, but the outside was not a dark brown, it was black. I was so upset. I bake all the time, I can't have an oven that makes my cakes black, I can't take a black cake anywhere! I was really looking forward to sharing my rum cake with everyone on Sunday. The peppers I cooked Sunday ended up in a disaster, too, but that's another blog in itself. They were at least presentable and edible.

So, the party at Heathers on Sunday was nice and relaxed, I had a good time. I don't think the Superbowl commercials are near par for what a Superbowl commercial should be, they were disappointing. Heather made some good food, Cori made some good food, Dawn made some awesome brownies, and I enjoyed the sweet tea that Sarah picked up on the way to the party.

Wow, reading back over this, my entire weekend revolved around wonder I'm overweight! I need to change this, I just like food so much...hmmmm.